AP416 – General Appraiser Income Approach – Part II
Developed by the Appraisal Institute
30 Hours QE
After a diagnostic quiz on the six financial functions of one and a brief review, General Appraiser Income Approach/Part 2 opens with a thorough treatment of discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. Topics include identifying components of a DCF, projecting cash flows, analyzing leases, solving for value in a variety of common situations, and supporting the discount rate. The effects of debt financing including cash equivalence and equity analysis are covered in detail. Income patterns and property models including residual and other applications are followed by selecting and supporting the discount rate. Also presented are the strengths and weaknesses of direct and yield capitalization. The final section reviews and summarizes the mathematical concepts involved with income capitalization and prepares the participant for not only the course exam but also the certification exam.
Prerequisite: AP101, AP102, AP103
Course fee: $725.00
NE Course #1171414.09
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