January 18, 2019
13 West 30th Street, Kearney, Nebraska
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Cost: $295.00
Instructor: Lynne L. Heiden, IFAS, MRA, GRPA
7 Hours CE
This seminar has been developed for the real property appraiser who wants to elevate his or her level of professionalism in appraisal practice and be recognized by clients and the public as “professional.” It has also been designed to assist the Supervisory Appraiser and the Trainee Appraiser to have a clear understanding of the responsibilities of each. Current economic and financial conditions has moved the emphasis from “cheap and quick” to hiring knowledgeable and experienced appraisers who provide credible assignment results as well as reliable documentation as part of an appraisal assignment.
The concept of a professional and the Appraisal Profession are integrated throughout the seminar. The material reviews the criteria to become an appraiser, provides guidance for supervising trainees, emphasizes the ethical obligations in day to day practice and covers the most common errors and deficiencies in the development and reporting of assignment results. Emphasis is placed on effective written communication. Examples of written documents to enhance your business and improve your professional image are part of the course material. This course fulfills the AQB Trainee/Supervisor course requirements and serves as a good refresher for existing appraisers.